Thursday, October 22, 2009


adoyh..minggu ni minggu yg amat serab0t..

1)endo week..kene wat root canal treatment (rawatan akar)..aku sgt benci..sgt lame,sgt byk benda kene boat..but luckily hasilnye...very satisfied..nice..all the things run smoothly..

2)kene call 3 patients f0r clinical..with 3 different cases..prostho,ped0 and c0ns..huh..giler..blik bilik boleyh trus tumbang..xsedarkn dri smpai pg es0knye...

3)es0k..kne handle student scientific c0nference..tg0k tajok research da cm leyh mab0k..lg bape buln..aku plak akn menghadapi bnda yg nk beng0ng da...

4)next,exam tym f0r at all..dean ingat aku cm r0bot..haish...

5)tido xckup..hasilnye bgun pg cm rib0t katarina..bereb0t t0ilet..what??!!

6)news plig hanget skali..dpt tau rye aji smpai ahad..skol aku ingat umah aku tepi usm ke??!isnin pg ade klinik plak..xleyh skip..cett..akhirnye..raye aji kt klantan..*sigh*

7)umate aku plan nk g picnic weekend ni..xleyh j0in..sengal sung0h..ade keje len plak..

8)missed men squash mgu ni sbb penat thap nk mati..

9)patients f0r community services x treat lg...adoiii...klo la ade ms 30 jam's much better..~~ sick fr0m being tired..what kind of life im going thr0ugh rite n0w..aaaa..sgt2 serab0t..Oh God..give me m0re n m0re tym..~


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