Wednesday, May 19, 2010

...time t0 change...

aku msih blum tid0w..
ye..sbb td aku melepak kt white coffe n min0m ice blended coffe latte..
s0..fhm2la klo da caffein..~~sure mate aku gmpak!

actually..aku ngah study..ade test nxt kdg2 kpale aku mlayang kat satu bnda nih!
pr0b nye xdela sbesar mslah d0nia..but..aku cm rse bnda ni menggangu haku..

pnah rse xske kat 0rg??
haku?mmg ade la p0wn..
haku xske sbb dia ske mnyib0k nk wat aku sket hati..
motif??ntah..aku rse dia GILE!!
s0 everytym..ade jek bnda yg dia akn wat haku xpuas hati..
kpd BUDAK tu..aku da xnk amik tau psal dia lg..
h0penye aku akn wat xtau psal dia..
sbb aku xmati sbb DIA!
so what..
jz pergi ja02 dr kpale haku..
realitynye..aku BENCI DIA..
n smpai bile2..i hate u babe..
****** ank ******
zam..zam..ala kazam!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Lgkapkn log bo0k 0P
Submit case 0P
Report peri0
Prostho presentation
Table list f0r dinner
Print banner f0r dinner
List requirement f0r paedo n 0s

agk2 bile b0ley settle yek!! sh0uld be by next week..0h0..t0morr0w neva die!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

...mad of s0phie kinsella...

s0 far bru ade 3 collecti0n jek..nk collect lg tuk wat muzium! be h0nest..aku ni se0rg yg mls nk bce bku..lg2 novel bi rse smak 0tak..feel xsme cm bce novel bm yg jwng2 tuh..but lately..after exm hri tu..aku stat bce novel 'shopaholic ties the not' wrote by sophie kinsella..0h my di0r..i changed my mind and end up wif addiction!(*padahal aku da beli lme dah bku tu..cume xpnah nk bce smpai habes!..0ne of my bad habit!)

s00..s00..lpas da addicted..aku p0wn merajinkn diri cri bku dia yg len kat p0pular~~huh..luckily..ade la plak..seap ade sale 0ne,get half price for an0ther 0ne..(korg rse aku berfikir pnjg ke??)..n0pe..trus cekupla beb..mne ade chance nk dpt c0st kcing..kcing..only rm54..berbal0i2!!klo xde sale kompom dkat rm70+..c0nclusion..saving!

nice b0okla..but xsure f0r's mainly bout gurl yg ske sh0pping..and klo 'can u keep a secret''s b0ut secret in relationship..not tips..but in a relationship..mesti ade rhsia yg kite smbunyikn drpd partner kite..and f0r me it's real,logic and true!hahahaha..aku cm wat promoti0n plak..(nope..i dun hve any rltionship wif sophie kinsella!)

n0w..nk cri mood bce 'shopaholic n baby'..and ngah plan nk beli 'remember me'..see..h0w addictednye aku pd bku2 dia..simple sentences n easy to understand...s0..pde sape2 yg nk cri novel tuh..aku suggest bce bku!

ape m0tif aku sbnarnye??xde pape..sje nk snag hati tg0k fcb0ok aku ter'update'..kih3~~caoi~ 

Monday, May 10, 2010

...believe it or n0t??believe it yeah~~...

mate aku terbuntang2 bce blog dia da abes blaja!!arghh..sdikit jeles d situ..aku bgaimane??
aku msih d cni..chewahh~~

0rg da lompat2 abes final..aku bru je nk ckap da abes taik kude p0wn ade..
but..luckily..i deserved to pass!!yeahhh!!

cm xpcaye aku bjaye mel0l0skan dri nek final yer dgn jwapan p0wn cm taik..mse tgok 'LULUS'..oh my di0r..salah key in data ke???hahahaha..~~syukur der...

n0w..ngah keja requirement jek..h0pe xkne extend 6 buln sbb xdapat habeskn requirement..

haaa..~~actually aku cm bgun dr mimpi..siyes xcye boley lulus,,alhamdulillah...

pernahkah keajaiban ini berlaku kpd anda??yaa..ia bru berlaku kpdaku..klo result ckup2 mkn aku cm xksah..but..ahhhh..unbelievable...ade ke jwapan hntam boley btul??hm...kuasa Tuhan..aku hnye berserah..mungkin brkat d0a mak n ayh..syukur!!thanx God!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


jiwa semakin parah!!
nk nangis xde mknenye der..~~
aku hnye wat2 xkisah..
lori sampah tul ko alien pluto!